Meeting Lunch Order Form
Business meetings or conferences are never about work because they are focused on all aspects of human life. There are breaks to discontinue the monotonous routine of discussing work for hours. These breaks are key to every meeting because they allow members to engage in gossip and other activities to keep themselves fresh throughout the meetings.
Food is an important part of every meeting because no one can discuss work with an empty stomach. Almost all types of meetings, i.e., business proposals, seminars, and conferences, include lunch breaks to make sure all members are fed. These lunch breaks are not for satisfying hunger; rather, they are an attempt to allow members to engage and contribute effectively.
Mostly, lunch at meetings is pre-decided and does not pay heed to any member’s particular preference or dislike. This situation is not preferable because many members would end up on empty stomachs. This is where meeting lunch order forms are introduced to make sure the preferences of everyone are accounted for and nobody ends up with an upset or empty stomach.
It is a significant document
Meeting lunch order forms are considered significant for the following reasons:
- Every other individual has specific dietary restrictions that greatly affect their health; therefore, these restrictions must be kept in mind while arranging food for all the members of the team. A lunch order form for each member will allow them to freely mention their specific dietary restriction. This lunch order form helps the lunch management to include food for every individual while keeping their preferences as a priority.
- The timeline for receiving lunch order forms can be managed, i.e., each member can be made responsible for submitting their forms before the due date so that lunch can be prepared and enjoyed on time.
- Planning meals gives time to the management to make sure that all ingredients are available and what restrictions they should keep in mind for every member of the meeting.
- Pricing can be managed for every individual so that the preferences of one member do not affect others financially. Each individual has their meal, either daily, weekly, or monthly.
- Each member can customize their meal either from the available menu of the kitchen or they can ask management to prepare a special for them.
Lunch order forms can be prepared easily and distributed among members. Follow the steps given below for making a lunch order form,
- Make sure that all members of the meeting are accounted for while disseminating the form. These forms can also be mailed to avoid the paper-based forms.
- Make a section for all kinds of items on the menu. These sections may be divided into categories like rice dishes, curry dishes, salads, appetizers, desserts, and beverages. If a variety of cuisines are available, then sectioning can be done by mentioning all the dishes of a particular cuisine. For example, Asian cuisine, Mexican cuisine, etc.
- Add a separate section for dietary restrictions so that individuals with these conditions can state their specific requirements easily.
- Special requests from members can be catered through a section assigned for special requests. If possible, a special request of any individual can be fulfilled in that particular lunch.
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